My Husband...
What is his name? Adam Cooper Buchanan
How long have you been together? Hm... Since March 15 2005
How long did you date? Till we married? 3 months;)
How old is he? 23
Who eats more? Adam eats like a bird.. ok. so i eat a lot.
Who said I love you first? Adam Adam Adam
Who is taller? Adam
Who sings better? I think we are about the same
Who is smarter? Adam is pretty sharp
Whose temper is worse? I'm sure me
Who does the laundry? Me
Who does the dishes? We make Ryan
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Adam
Who pays the bills? Well i send the checks but Adam brings home the bacon.
Who mows the lawn? We have convinced ourselves that this is a bonus to lawn
Who cooks dinner? I swear I'll get it down someday
Who drives when you are together? 80% Adam 20% me
Who is more stubborn? I think we are pretty equal..
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I'm pretty sure me.
Whose parents do you see the most? I think Adams ...maybe
Who kissed who first? (my version) Adam went in for the kiss after hanging out once..and I shot him down. but then we had a mutual kiss on the 2nd date and it perfect.
Who asked who out? Adam asked me out at an activity where i went there with another date. Adam asked me in front of the other guy! talk about cajones. hahah besides how could he resist me? jk
Who proposed? Adam proposed twice actually, in the beautiful land of enchantment.
Who is more sensitive? Adam
Who has more friends? I have more friends here in slc, but he is friends with everyone he meets.. he will instantly be friends with the gas station clerk.
Who has more siblings? 6 verses 6
Who wears the pants in the family? Adam... well me sometimes...hmmm i guess both